Remove Background Noise From Audio Recording Online.

Ranthony Networks
6 min readMar 23, 2023


As a podcast editor, one of the biggest challenges you can face is dealing with background noise in audio recordings. Whether it’s traffic noise, wind, or other ambient sounds, background noise can be distracting to listeners and reduce the quality of your podcast. Fortunately, there are many tools and techniques available to help you remove background noise from audio recordings. One such tool is, an online platform designed specifically for podcasters.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use to remove background noise from audio recordings. We’ll cover everything from the basics of how works, to advanced techniques for getting the best results. By the end of this article, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use to make your podcasts sound better than ever before.

What is is an online audio processing platform that is designed to help podcasters improve the quality of their audio recordings. The platform uses advanced algorithms to automatically clean up audio recordings and remove background noise, echoes, and other unwanted sounds. With, you can quickly and easily improve the audio quality of your podcasts without the need for expensive equipment or technical expertise.

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How does work? works by analyzing audio recordings and identifying background noise, echoes, and other unwanted sounds. Once it has identified these sounds, it uses advanced algorithms to remove them from the recording. The platform is designed to work with a wide range of audio file formats, including MP3, WAV, and AIFF.

To use, you simply need to upload your audio recording to the platform. Once the recording has been uploaded, the platform will analyze it and identify any background noise or other unwanted sounds. You can then use the platform’s built-in tools to remove the unwanted sounds and improve the overall quality of your recording.

how to remove background noise from audio

Why Removing Background Noise is Important.

Background noise is any sound that is present in the recording but is not intended to be there. It can include ambient sounds like traffic, birds chirping, or even the sound of a fan or air conditioner. Background noise can reduce the quality of the recording, making it harder to understand and distracting for the listener.

Removing background noise is essential to ensure that your podcast is of high quality and engages the listener. A podcast with clear and crisp audio is more likely to hold the attention of the listener and convey the message effectively.

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How to Use to Remove Background Noise from Audio Recordings.

Let me walk you through the steps to use to remove background noise from your audio recordings.

Step 1: Upload Your Audio File

The first step is to upload the audio file you want to edit. To do this, go to, create an account if you haven’t already, and click on “Upload audio.” You can either drag and drop the audio file into the designated area or click on “Select audio file” and choose the file from your computer.

Step 2: Choose “Noise Reduction”

Once your audio file has been uploaded, select the “Noise Reduction” feature from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This will bring up the noise reduction tool.

Step 3: Set the Noise Profile

Before you can start removing background noise, you need to set the noise profile. This tells what to remove from your audio file. To do this, click on the “Set Noise Profile” button and select a section of the audio file that contains only background noise. This can be a section of audio where you aren’t speaking or any other part of the audio that only contains noise. Once you’ve selected the section, click on “Create Profile” to create the noise profile.

Step 4: Adjust the Noise Reduction Settings

After you’ve created the noise profile, you can adjust the noise reduction settings to your liking. There are two main settings to adjust: “Noise Reduction” and “Sensitivity.” The “Noise Reduction” setting determines how much of the background noise is removed from the audio file. The higher the setting, the more aggressive the noise reduction. The “Sensitivity” setting determines how aggressively looks for background noise. The higher the setting, the more aggressively background noise is removed.

Step 5: Preview and Apply the Changes

Once you’ve adjusted the settings to your liking, click on the “Preview” button to hear how the audio file sounds with the changes applied. If you’re happy with the changes, click on the “Apply” button to apply the noise reduction to the entire audio file.

Tips for Better Audio Recording

  1. Choose the Right Microphone

The first step in creating great audio is to use a good quality microphone. There are many different types of microphones available, but for podcasting, a dynamic microphone or a condenser microphone is ideal. Dynamic microphones are rugged and can handle high sound pressure levels, making them a good choice for recording in noisy environments. Condenser microphones are more sensitive and offer a wider frequency response, making them ideal for capturing a more natural and nuanced sound.

2.Use a Pop Filter

If you’re using a condenser microphone, it’s important to use a pop filter to reduce the plosive sounds that can be caused by the rapid expulsion of air during speech. This can help to prevent distortion and make your voice sound clearer and more natural. A pop filter is a simple piece of equipment that fits over the microphone and helps to break up the airflow, reducing the impact of plosives.

3.Position the Microphone Correctly

The position of the microphone can have a big impact on the quality of your recording. Ideally, you should position the microphone so that it is about six inches away from your mouth, and slightly off to one side. This will help to reduce plosives and other unwanted sounds, while capturing the full range of your voice. If you are recording with more than one person, you should position the microphones so that they are equidistant from each speaker, and use a mixer to balance the levels.

4.Adjust the Input Levels

Before you start recording, it’s important to adjust the input levels on your audio interface or mixer. This will ensure that the levels are set correctly, and that you are not overloading the input, which can cause distortion. Ideally, the input levels should be set so that the peaks are hitting around -12dB to -6dB, which will give you plenty of headroom and ensure that the recording is clean and clear.

5.Use Headphones

Wearing headphones while you are recording can help you to hear yourself more clearly, and can also help to prevent bleed from other sources. It’s important to choose a good quality pair of headphones that provide good isolation and sound quality, so that you can hear your voice accurately and make adjustments as needed.

6.Record in a Quiet Space

One of the most important factors in creating high-quality audio recordings is to record in a quiet space. This can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have access to a professional recording studio, but

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